One of the best ways to acquire information online is actually via reading blogs. Believe it or not, blogs can be a great source of information, especially if you find the right ones for you. As a startup, it’s very hard to understand which are the best sources of info, which is why we created a list with 10 of the best startup-related blogs that you should read right away!
10 Must Read Blogs for Start Ups

1. is maybe the best source of information for newcomers in the startup world. It features a wide array of important ideas and tips that make it very well worth the time investment.
2. is a blog by Neil Patel, a reputable online marketer. He offers information that’s very helpful for companies and you can easily apply it to your own business with great results. Plus, the instructions are easy to follow and the site is just a pleasant, exciting read.
3. is a blog focused on writing better copy. If you want to write your own ads or want to improve your content writing, this is one of the best blogs to focus on. is another great blog on this topic.
4. allows you to learn more about how you can properly optimize your site for fast conversions. It’s easy to read and the information is very accessible.
5. might be the best blog for startups mainly because it provides you with accurate, reliable information about the financial world. It might not be as updated as most of the other blogs in this list, but it’s still a great read.
6. allows you to find all information you need as a startup owner. It features immediate access to great wisdom and expertise, not to mention that all posts are comprehensive and really long.
7. Vero’s blog focuses only on email marketing and it’s filled with great tips and tactics that you can rely on when you create a new marketing campaign. You should consider visiting it as you obtain an amazing value for your time.
8. offers accurate information about online marketing in its entirety. You can find tons of info from how you should approach your customers to how you can run A/B tests and so on. It also hosts free webinars at times!
9. thanks to this blog you can learn all there is to know about landing page and conversion optimization. It’s a stunning read with a lot to offer and it’s known for the very comprehensive approach offered via each post.
10. is a social media blog and it does feature plenty of interesting ideas on how you can approach the social media world in its entirety.
If you want to acquire more knowledge about how you can promote or even run your startup, these might be some of the best resources that you can find online. Read these blogs and you will be more than impressed with the wealth of information you can acquire free of charge!