Facebook & Instagram Advertising for Dummies

What makes both Facebook and Instagram distinct is the fact that they are run by the same company, so basically you need to follow the same steps when you have to promote your business here. What makes the company distinct is the fact that this provides you with a unique approach and results do pay off very well for that reason alone.

Facebook & Instagram Advertising for Dummies

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When you create Facebook or Instagram ads you can use the Ads Manager, the Power Editor or the Marketing API. All of these are relevant tools that will provide you with the value and results you need in a seamless manner. They are tools which you can use with ease and with their help you get a very good return on investment to begin with.

A thing to keep in mind is that you can create a marketing campaign very fast with the tools above. You choose to create a campaign and you will manage to posts you want without a problem. If that’s not enough, you can even set the budget depending on your needs. Thankfully, you can boost each post individually and you can set adjacent prices for each post in particular. That alone manages to bring in front a very good value for your money which is exactly what you want to have in this type of situation.

If you feel that your Facebook and Instagram ads are successful but the campaign is over, the Power Editor actually has a tool that allows you to duplicate the ads depending on your needs. This does come in handy quite a bit and it will help you generate the right approach very fast.

Plus, the fact that you can manage each ad individually does provide you with a much better control over the entire experience. It’s a lot easier, faster and results do pay off for that reason alone. You have to try and monitor your audience’s reactions to each ad though, because based on that you can change the copy style, you can modify the overall approach and see which one is good for your audience.

Keep in mind that each audience reacts differently, so you have to take your time and study the results of each campaign. It will not be easy to do so at first, but results will surely pay off in the long run.

At the end of the day, both Facebook and Instagram marketing work in a similar manner. It’s your copy, budget and approach that will make or break your results though. Most of the time you will see that experimenting is key, but even if you find something that sticks to the audience, do try and vary it.

People will always get tired of seeing the same old ad copy. Try to be creative, bring in front some good ideas if you want to boost your revenue. It will not be easy at first, true, but the results do pay off very well in the end.

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