How to Market Your Product on Kickstarter

Kickstarter is a great platform if you have the right ideas for a product or service but you lack the funds to bring them to fruition. But there are thousands of products on this platform so your chances of success are very low most of the time. How can you boost your chances of success in order to reach better results? Here you have some great tips to keep in mind!

How to Market Your Product on Kickstarter

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If you’ve got a new product in the works that could do with some additional funding, but you’re not quite ready to take it to your investors yet, it might be worth taking a look at crowdfunding sensation Kickstarter for some help. The process may seem a little daunting at first, but we’ve compiled seven easy steps to Kickstarter success for startups to help you out.

01) Try to create a great set of rewards. Make sure that these are appealing for the audience and remember to add as many bonuses as you can in order to generate the best possible results.

02) Make the goals as low as possible. Remember that people don’t have a lot of money to invest in products which aren’t even released on the market. If you keep the goals low you will be able to enlist more people in financing your ideas, so try to keep that in mind.

03) Create a good video. Explain the concept of your product or service, show what you want to accomplish and make sure that you showcase your complete idea to the audience. If you want to add effects that’s great, either way you have to focus on marketing your idea the best way you can. Remember, video sells ideas a lot faster, so if you don’t have a video you are missing out.

04) Share samples or special content to the press. This way you will get the much needed press coverage. It might not seem like much at first, but press is mandatory if you want Kickstarter as they can bring more attention to your idea. You can give exclusive stories to special press members in order to get a mutually beneficial experience.

05) Remember to post ads on social media and anywhere you can in order to further promote your ideas. It might not sound like much at first, but social media can help you quite a bit here. Do not rely solely on it though as it’s not exactly helpful if you do so.

06) Don’t share everything from the start, keep something back as this will allow you to add a new stretch goal or you can use such a feature for up-selling. Either way works, it’s all about trying to find a better way of enticing people to opt for last-minute backings.

07) Post regular updates and encourage people to share your link. This way you might obtain the best possible exposure as people do tend to trust their friends. You can generate plenty of conversions this way, which is a major plus!

Keep in mind that marketing products on Kickstarter can be challenging, especially if your product is a hard sell. But if you do have the right approach and a good set of ideas you don’t have to worry about anything. That’s what makes Kickstarter stand out, the fact that it provides you with all the tools you need and you can reap up the benefits from it!

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